Tuesday, December 24, 2019

African Americans Of The Modern World And The Discovery Of...

Throughout the creation of mankind and the discovery of North America, society constructed a term that classified human beings into categories. This term is used to identify people based on their physical characteristics, ancestry, or historical background. The term is race. Often, it is used in a negative connotation because of the belief that there is a superior race. However, settlers like John Smith who sought to prosper decided since they had the most power and were the â€Å"chosen ones†, they should be the leaders of the modern world and spread their beliefs among those who were unworthy and not fit to be self-governed. Thus, as they instituted themselves as the superior race, people of color were coined as minorities. Those seen as a minority at first were African Americans. African Americans have struggled throughout history to obtain equality against racism occasionally resorting to protests and strikes in order to achieve their goal. This struggle has turned into a war between races. Between 1877 and 2015, African Americans fought for representation in the workforce, integration, and a safe environment. Coming of Age in Mississippi, For the Record: A Documentary History of America, and America: A Narrative History, are all books containing primary sources that will help illustrate the struggles fought by many. The institution of Black Codes in 1865, brought severe consequences for blacks, these laws restored slavery in all but name (Shi, For the Record: A DocumentaryShow MoreRelatedAfrican Americans and Cotton Fields1233 Words   |  5 Pageswe perceive it to be African Americans working on a cotton field, but where did that perception come from and where did slavery begin in North America? Slavery has been one of the longest standing legal systems used throughout history. 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